Recent poll suggests that a quarter of employees are planning to move jobs within six months.

A poll of 6,000 workers, conducted by Randstad, found 24 per cent said they planned to move jobs within the next three to six months.

The survey also found a high level of confidence among workers of their ability to find a new role.

Nearly seven in 10 (69 per cent) said they were confident in their ability to move to a new role in the next few months. In comparison, just 16 per cent of those polled said they were worried about finding a new role.

Some experts have warned that remote working has weakened company loyalty and that organisation’s may have to look carefully at what they offer their current workforce if they wish to retain them: This may mean being creative in what goes into a remuneration package.

The figures come at a time when the UK jobs market has a record number of vacancies.

Last month, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed the number of vacancies reached 1,102,000 in July to September, up 68,000 from the previous rolling quarter and the second consecutive rolling quarter that vacancies topped a million.