Research shows that the majority of UK workers in favour of four-day week and that most employees are confident they could complete their work in fewer hours.

Almost three-quarters of UK workers are in favour of a four-day working week, research has found.

A survey of 2,000 workers conducted by a comparison site , revealed that 72 per cent of the 1,310 respondents who currently work five or more days per week were either in favour or strongly in favour of a four-day working week.

Employees also expressed confidence in their ability to fulfil their work duties within less time, with three in five (60 per cent) of those surveyed believing they could do the job they do now in just four days.

The findings also showed that women were slightly more confident in their ability to successfully work within four days (64 per cent) compared to men (61 per cent).

However, more than half (53 per cent) of workers expressed doubt that their employer would consider adopting a four-day schedule, saying they would need to move jobs to be offered this working arrangement.

And two in five (38 per cent) workers were unsure whether they would need to move jobs to work one fewer day, whereas just 8 per cent said they would not need to leave their job, as their employer was considering implementing the change.

When asked what level of pay cut they would be willing to take to work a four-day-week, women were more likely to still seek their full wage. If a pay cut were offered by employers in exchange for a four-day-week, two-thirds of women (66 per cent) said they would not agree with the arrangements, compared to 56 per cent of men.