Survey shows that more than three-quarters of jobseekers would drop out of lengthy recruitment processes

78 per cent of jobseekers would drop out or consider dropping out of long or complex recruitment processes, a new study has found.

A global survey of more than 1,200 HR professionals and more than 3,700 recent jobseekers by Sterling found a third of those who dropped out said the hiring process was too complicated, with 22 per cent expressing an issue with the background screening process.

However, only 9 per cent of the surveyed HR professionals believed that candidates would find their hiring process complicated.

The data comes as recruitment processes have become longer, with 2017 analysis by Glassdoor showing that, of more than 83,000 job interviews across 25 countries, the average interview process took 23.7 days, up from 22.5 days in 2016.