The CBI warns that Labour shortages could last for up to two years.

Whilst much of the recent news has been better particularly with many of the Covid-19 restrictions lifted and the increase in business confidence to name but two.

However, to counter the good news, the CBI have stated their concerns over labour shortages and are pushing government to take a more flexible approach towards filling the skills gaps: They point towards the use of skills training and apprenticeships to solve eth problem in the short-term,

Since lockdown restrictions started to relax earlier this year, labour shortages have been reported across several UK industries. Hospitality has been hit together with the much-published problems in the transport sector. There is also evidence that service sectors such as fitted kitchens and furniture have been hit hard as lead-times on deliveries are way beyond the norm.

A spokesman said: “Standing firm and waiting for shortages to solve themselves is not the way to run an economy,” he said. “We need to simultaneously address short-term economic needs and long-term economic reform.” Criticism was also aimed at the new immigration system, arguing that it “can’t seem to respond” to the UK’s current short-term skills news and calling for drivers, welders, butchers, and bricklayers to be added to the shortage occupation list.

Others argue that the UK’s labour shortage pre-date both Brexit and Covid-19 meaning that the problems existed and have been massively exacerbated; a passive governmental approach is the last thing that is needed now.